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Future of the usmc

Speech from Gen. Charles C. Krulak Commandant of the Marine Corps The Joint Civilian Orientation Conference May 5, 1997
Good morning Ladies and gentlemen. I am General Chuck Krulak, Commandant of the Marine Corps. It is my pleasure to be with you this morning and to talk about my favorite subject the US Marine Corps. For over 221 years our Corps has done two things for this great Nation We Make Marines and We Win Battles.
Each of the services brings a host of capabilities to the table. It is important however to have a focus, a strategic concept. A well defined strategic concept is vital to ensuring that we properly organize, equip and train the forces which we provide. The 82d Congress of the United States outlined this strategic concept for the Marine Corps. We have been and will continue to be, "The most ready when the Nation is least ready." In addition to this enduring task, we also perform one other function "Such other duties as the president may direct."
"Such other duties as the president may direct." This task has, historically, kept us the busiest. It is this very important mission that requires us to be ready for commitment across the full spectrum of operations. It is from here that we get sent to the Mogadishus, the Haitis and to participate in the nation's wars.
As a maritime nation the United States has global interests and we must contend with unchanging strategic geography and the tyranny of distance. Only Marine and Naval forces with their strategic reach can assure the country access to markets, resources, and alliances.
Seventy percent of the world's population lives within 200 miles of a coast, and 80% of the world's capitals are located within 300 miles of a coast. This urbanization of the world's littoral regions means that operations from the sea provide the nation with an enduring means to influence and shape the evolving international environment.
Naval expeditionary forces America's Navy-Marine Corps Team provides the NCA something very important with their unique form of forward presence. Our ability to maintain a sustained presence, free from issues of sovereignty because of our sea-basing, allows us to respond to a crisis with the kind and amount of capability that the NCA chooses. We can turn up or down the heat as required. This istruly unique to naval expeditionary forces. Conducting an air strike can only provide one "temperature" if you will HOT. Naval expeditionary forces, the Navy-Marine Team, forward deployed, can stay in the presence mode, provide humanitarian aid, conduct demonstrations, do raids, strike operations or even forcible entry operations and the occupation of foreign soil as required, when required. We are a rheostat for the NCA. Turn us up or down as required. We are the only force that provides this capability.
This is our recent track record. Strategic geography and our position in the world requires that Marine and Navy forces remain engaged across the globe. This is what the American people pay for with just 6 cents of their defense dollar.
We send our Fleet Marine Forces around the world in a never ceasing rotation of deployments. Your Marines, forward deployed throughout the world, ready, watchful and capable. Here is where we are deployed today. Currently, there are 24,130 Marines forward deployed, separated from home and family, ready to answer their country's call if needed.
This is what the Marine Corps looks like from a structural point of view. We are a force of 174,000 active Marines. We have a turnover of about 38 to 40,000 Marines a year. Please note that of our 174,000 we have 108,500 in the Fleet Marine Force the combat units. Another 2,200 provide external security, such as with the State Department and another 2,900 are at various joint activities. (External Security includes Ship detachments, all the MSGs and the misc. Such as CIA billets. Joint Activities includes all personnel assigned to the non-DON supporting establishment, including joint billets and all the defense agencies.)
And as I mentioned earlier, here is what the nation gets for its money. As you can see you get all this 911 force, rheostatic response, and all the other capabilities of the world's premier expeditionary force in readiness for just 6% of the defense budget. The Marine Corps is one of the best bang-for-buck deals in the United States Government.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your time and this opportunity to talk about our nation's Force In Readiness.... Are there any questions?